Sunday, July 18, 2010

#47: Submit YOUR Wedding Wisdom to Brave Bride!

One of my favorite things to do is hang out with my older friends and pick their brains. It's amazing how much wisdom can live inside a person.

Brave Bride welcomes all of its readers to share their wedding stories, great ideas, and powerful  insights...because wisdom kept secret is almost as tragic as a $100 Target gift card that never finds its way out from between the couch cushions. A damn shame, I tell you.

So...if you would like to share your wedding wisdom with Brave Bride readers, please answer the following interview questions and e-mail your writing and photos to

  • 10-15 favorite photos (jpegs) from your wedding. (Note: I LOVE me some candid shots!)
  • Your first names
  • Where your wedding was held (city, state or province, country if not in U.S., and venue)
  • Provide the names of any vendors you would like to promote (eg - photography, dress designer, etc.)
                                                         *  *  * 
    • In what ways were you a brave bride? (Please refer to my definition in the post entitled "Brave Bride defined" under Topics.)
    • What was the most emotionally challenging part of wedding planning OR getting married? How did you respond? What big lesson(s) did you learn from this challenge?
    •  What advice would you give to those planning a wedding?

    WEDDING-RELATED TOPICS THAT I WOULD LOVE TO PICK YOUR BRAIN ABOUT - In other words, e-mail me if you have something wise and brave to say (from personal experience) about any of the following:

    Interfaith marriage
    First came baby, then came marriage
    Plus size wedding dress shopping
    You're a dude (Calling all Brave GROOMS-- we want to hear from you!)
    A relationship changed or evolved during the wedding planning process 
    Involving children & stepchildren in a wedding
    Marrying later in life
    Cold feet
    YOUR dreaded bridal diet story (Please browse my posts on diets first.)
    Same sex marriage
    Interracial marriage
    Large age gap between bride and groom
    Wedding dress that was bought used and/ or online
    Canceled wedding
    Unusual weddings
    Wedding day disasters and how you dealt with them
    Your parents/ family/ friends don't "approve" your fiance (or vice versa)
    Wedding-related decisions that caused havoc in your family

    Looking forward to hearing from you!



    Photo credit

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    Babbling about weddings is so much more fun when people babble back. :)