Thursday, August 26, 2010

#72: Facebook Contest!

It's official: Brave Bride has its own fan page on Facebook! It feels a bit funny to me - kind of like making a Facebook page for your grandma or your pet or something. I love my blog/grandma/pet so much that pimpin' its holy awesomeness on a social networking site to see if anyone can love it as much as I do feels a bit odd.

But hey, guess what? I know a way of making everything feel right in the world again- I can create a contest and give away FREE STUFF!

So here's what you need to know about the Brave Bride Facebook Contest:
  • Become a fan on Facebook by clicking here. When you get to my page, click on the "Like" button up at the top.
  • Write a message on my Facebook wall containing the title of your favorite Brave Bride post. (Or one that you just like a whole bunch.)
The Prize:
Two free pieces of jewelry (of your choice!) from Kathy's Handmade Jewelry! (PS. I had dinner with this particular Kathy last night and was able to see the "Jade Leaf" and "Gold Hoops" earrings. They're even cooler in person!)

The Results:
The last day to enter the contest will be one week from today - Thursday September 2, 2010 at midnight, EST. The winner will be chosen at random and announced on Friday, Sepetember 3, 2010.

Lastly, I just want to say that...(tear running down cheek, lip quivering, snot flying) I love you, man!

No, seriously. I started Brave Bride nearly 3 months ago as an outlet for my wedding planning delights and woes. Now my blog is visited a couple hundred times each week by readers from the US, Canada, Australia, Europe and Asia. (Yup, I have my ways of checking.) I am humbled, shocked and ecstatic about all of this. :) So THANK YOU, everyone!

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Babbling about weddings is so much more fun when people babble back. :)