Thursday, October 28, 2010

#116: The Future of This Blog

                        Behind the scenes of a 2 cat-owning, 2 blog-running life.

Hi, all.

As you know, I've been blogging a little less these days in pursuit of balance in my life. And I've got to admit, taking Mondays and Fridays off has rocked my world. (Imagine if you had a 3-day work week instead of the full 5 days. Yeah, it feels like that much of a difference.) This light blogging schedule has allowed me to:
  • Keep my house clean!!! An incredible feat.
  • Read YOUR blogs again. :)
  • Prepare some guest posts for other blogs. (So keep an eye out!)
  • Enjoy more quality time with my hubby.
So I'm going to continue only blogging 3x per week for the rest of 2010 because I've got the following major projects that I'm determined to finish by the end of the year:
  • My freakin' thank you cards!
  • A music video-style film about our wedding using some footage, photos, sweet and weepy music, and the iMovie app on my Mac.
  • Finish recording my album. (I'm a good singer, a frustrated songwriter, a terrible guitar player, and a bad-ass air guitarist.)
  • Learn to cook some basic, healthy dishes using all of the fabulous kitchen goodies that were given to us at my bridal shower.
  • Start writing for my other blog again.
Now about that last bullet. My other blog, which is called How To Be A Grown-Up, is one that was born just before Brave Bride. (In fact, you'll find some overlap in the posts.) And just like what often happens to the older sibling when a new baby comes along, How To Be A Grown-Up has had to wait patiently while I tended to the growing needs of the new baby blog in the house.

But now that Brave Bride can stand on its own two feet, I'd like to spread the love and start writing over at How To Be A Grown-Up again. And guys, I'm totally stoked for this. Grown-Up is, like Brave Bride, essentially a blog about balls (c'mon, does this really surprise you?), except it involves life beyond wedding planning. (Hallelujah!) And it's a blog that will work well with a book idea that I've been toying with. (More on that later.)

So here's the deal. I'm going to continue writing 3x per week, but only 2 of those posts will be for Brave Bride. On Tuesdays and Thursdays you'll find me here, and on Wednesdays you'll find me at How To Be A Grown-Up

If you're out of the wedding planning woods, or totally wedding'ed out, or single, or into personal growth, or unsure if you're doing the whole grown-up thing right, perhaps you have some room in your life for my new (err, old) blog. Hope to see you there!


  1. Aaaaaand ... subscribed. :)

  2. Yay! Not much on there right now (and half of the posts are also here on Brave Bride)...but that'll change real soon. Thanks for subscribing!

  3. I gotta hear this album when it comes out. We should collaborate on a song - like The Postal Service but with email. Oh, and better than The Postal Service.

  4. Sounds like some great projects planned. I will certainly be following your other blog too. :)
    Have a Great Long Weekend.

  5. @ Bret - Keep your expectations low, haha. I've been on a novice level for 7 years. (Which, sadly, is indeed possible.) It's going to be a very stripped down and simple album. Not by stylistic choice but because that's all I can swing!

    And be careful what you offer - I'll put your guitar skillz to work until your fingers bleed!!! ;)

    @ Claire - Thanks! I'll see you over there.


Babbling about weddings is so much more fun when people babble back. :)